A common misconception about speech is that some people are just born to be great at public speaking. This is not true! Nobody is born speaking fluently and effectively. Sure, it comes easier to
some than others depending on their predispositions and upbringing. But an amazing
speaker gets that way over a long period of time. Speaking well may seem like a
normal thing that everybody should be able to do with ease. But that's not the case. Public speaking is an extraordinarily complex and difficult task
that few people master.
Just think about all of the simultaneous skills required in
speech. First, a person must have acquired a base level of vocabulary and
language. Next, a person must get comfortable using body language and movement
during their speech. Projection and inflection must also be learned. You have
to organize your points and structure your thoughts. Then you have to put
everything together at the same time while controlling your anxiety.
I’ve seen
thousands of speeches and believe me when I say, very few people master these skills. Public speaking is a bit like
juggling each of these different abilities at once. It’s an extraordinary task with lots of multitasking. It’s not easy.
Those that wish to become the best public speakers should
expect to build their skills over the course of
a lifetime. A class or book on speaking is only the beginning. You can
also plan on your skills withering without continued practice. It’s like any
other skill. An athlete or a musician practices intensely every day. Public
speaking is just as much of a cognitively challenging task. Plan on embarking on a continued
journey if you want to continually improve your skills.
Take up every opportunity to speak more. Join classes, clubs
and organizations that get you speaking in front of others. Take a public
speaking class at community college. Join a Toastmasters club. Become more
talkative in your personal interactions. Converse with strangers when
appropriate. These are the habits of a person on a journey to becoming a great
public speaker. Start yours!