Vocal variety is extremely important in public speaking. It’s often not what you say but how you say it that counts. Think about successful communicators for a moment. How do they use their voice? Is their voice dry, weak and staccato? Or perhaps is it musical and dramatic? You’ll find that the latter traits are far more prominent in strong speakers. This post will discuss the three primary tools that contribute to your vocal performance in a speech. Volume, pitch, and rate are the fundamental factors that contribute to what is known as vocal variety. Volume is simply how loud your voice is. Speakers must project appropriately. Think of the volume button on any of your devices. Different scenarios call for different volume levels. A powerful and booming voice engages listeners. A shift to soft and quiet moments can help accentuate a more meaningful or contemplative part of a speech. In either case, varying your volume becomes an effective way to draw listeners into your me...
Tips and resources to help you become a better speaker